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a town situated on the plain of Catania, on the southern part of the river Simeto, on the border between the provinces of Catania and Siracusa, owes its distinctive aspect of Mediterranean landscape to the deep green colour of its citrus plantations which lasts all year and offers changing shadows according to the seasons.

In this area, the cultivation of orange-trees has been practised since the end of the X VII century, when the first shoots were grafted onto sour orange-trees, whose cultivation, together the lemon one, was already practised by local farmers.

So the first citrus plantations or "giardini", as they are called in this area, were born.

Since then, the "giardini" have progressively spread throughout the area of Scordia thus becoming the first source of income for its inhabitants.

The main cultivated kind (or cultivar) is the "TAROCCO", a blood-pulp orange and its versions.There are also other cultivars of blood-pulp oranges such as the "MORO" and the "SANGUINELLO".

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